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Mimi Fishman Foundation/WaterWheel Foundation Auction - Phish New Years Tickets

Monday, November 22, 2021

Phish 2021 New Years Run Tickets and CID Entertainment Package Featured In Online Charity Auction
The Mimi Fishman Foundation is once again hosting a WaterWheel Foundation on-line charity auction.  The auction features tickets as well as a CID Entertainment package for Phish’s 2021 New Years shows at Madison Square Garden.   The auction is now available for bidding and comes to a conclusion December 6, 2021.  
The auction can be found at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

Mimi Fishman Foundation Hosts Auction for the WaterWheel Foundation

Monday, June 21, 2021

Phish 2021 Summer Tour Tickets and CID Entertainment Packages Featured In Online Charity Auction
The Mimi Fishman Foundation is once again hosting a WaterWheel Foundation on-line charity auction.  The auction features tickets as well as CID Entertainment packages for Phish’s 2021 Summer tour.   The auction is now available for bidding and comes to a conclusion June 28, 2021.  
The auction can be found at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

2019/2020 Signed drum heads and drumsticks on new charity auction

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Mimi Fishman Foundation launches new on-line charity auction.  The auction features signed memorabilia from Phish and Ghost of a Forest shows.  Included are the 2019 Phish New Years run, as well as 2020 Mexico shows.  The auction ends Feb 11, 2021.  To bid please go to the auction page  or www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

2019 Donation Recap

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thank you to all involved with the Foundation (donors, bidders, fans, followers, etc) in helping make 2019 a wonderful year of raising funds and supporting various charities and organzations with focus on children, women, and animals....all in the name and memory of Mimi.
With everyone's help, we were able to support the following organizations
Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments
Fursisters Pet Rescue
MFF Winter Adventure Camp for Visually Impaired Children
New Hope for Women
Peace Ridge Santuary
BDAS (Save a Sato)
Stray Rescue
Camp Alandale
Proverbs Animal Rescue
Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary



Phish August 25 Dinner and a Movie to benefit Mimi Fishman Foundation

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Next week’s Dinner And A Movie features Phish’s August 15, 2011 show from UIC Pavilion in Chicago. IL. The full show will play on Tuesday at 8:30PM ET at webcast.livephish.com or Phish’s Facebook page.
“The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye”, as they sing in Oklahoma! and Phish HQ’s Betty Frost brings us her sweet corn risotto recipe, along with a cucumber gazpacho starter and some flourless tahini brownies for dessert. Thanks, Betty!
This week’s beneficiary is The Mimi Fishman Foundation, a volunteer-administered, fan-driven non-profit dedicated to raising funds for a diverse range of charitable organizations that each, in some way, touched the life of the founder, Mimi Fishman. Jon Fishman’s mother Mimi established the foundation with the idea that partnering with bands like Phish could truly influence charitable giving and philanthropic engagement. Organizations supported by TMFF are focused on the health and wellbeing of children and families with a particular emphasis on visual impairment. For more information visit mimifishman.org.


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