What's New

7th Annual Mimi Fishman Winter Adventure Camp

Friday, March 9, 2018

A pix from the 7th annual Mimi Fishman Winter Adventure Camp - run by the Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments. The purpose of the 2-day 1-night winter trip is to prepare for a more challenging summer adventure trip, in addition to working on individual goals in the areas of social skills, independence, and participating in exciting activities. 

Phish Summer 2017 Drumhead Auction

Monday, March 5, 2018

Check out the Foundation's new on-line charity auction.  Featured are unique drumheads from Phish's 2017 Summer Tour including the wonderful Baker's Dozen shows (Madison Square Garden).
To view and bid please visit here.

Phish New Year's Run Signed Poster Charity Auction

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Mimi Fishman Foundation launches their first on-line charity auction of 2018, featuring limited edition posters from the 2017 New Year's run.  Every poster is numbered and signed by the band!
The auction is now live with bids accepted through February 27, 2018.
To view and/or bid please visit the auction site at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

Another Donation to Help the Puerto Rico Animal Rescue Effort

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Mimi Fishman Foundation donates $3,000 to The Sato Project's Hurricane Relief Fund to help them mobilize critically needed supplies and support their team on the ground in Puerto Rico with their animal rescue efforts.

Phish Baker's Dozen Drumhead Charity Auction

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Mimi Fishman Foundation has launched another on-line charity auction.  Open for bidding is a baker's dozen number of items appropriately featuring signed drumheads used during Phish's historic "Baker's Dozen" run at Madison Square Garden.  To view and/or bid please visit the auction at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured


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