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Two Phish related Foundations Launch On-line Charity Auction

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Phish’s WaterWheel Foundation and The Mimi Fishman Foundation have joined forces in an on-line charity auction.  The auction features tickets for Phish’s 2017 Summer Tour including the “Bakers Dozen” taking place at Madison Square Garden, as well as Phish’s annual Labor Day shows at Dicks Sporting Goods Park in Commerce, CO.  The auction is now available for bidding and comes to a conclusion May 25, 2017. 
The auction can be found at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

Phish New Years 2016 Signed Posters Added To Charity Auction

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Mimi Fishman Foundation has added to the current charity auction signed posters from Phish’s New Years Eve run at Madison Square Garden.  The posters are signed by all band members. 
The auction can be found at http://www.mimifishman.org/auction/browse/featured

Mimi Fishman Foundation Launches Show Used (and signed) Drumstick Auction

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Mimi Fishman Foundation has launched their second on-line charity auction of 2017.  This time around the Foundation offers drumsticks from 2016 and 2017 shows.   The drumsticks are labeled for date/show and also signed by Phish drummer Jon Fishman.  Many shows are represented including sticks from Mexico (2017), New Years (2016) and Halloween (2016). 
The auction ends April 13, 2017 and can be found at http://auction.mimifishman.org/

6th Annual Mimi Fishman Winter Adventure Camp

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Mimi Fishman Foundation, for the sixth year in a row, has sponsored the Winter Adventure Camp for school age children with a visual impairment.  The purpose of the 2-day 1-night winter trip is to prepare for a more challenging summer adventure trip, in addition to working on individual goals in the areas of social skills, independence, and participating in exciting activities. 
This year, 14 participants travelled to YMCA Trout Lodge, located in Potosi, Missouri, ages ranging from six to twenty years old.  Each of the participants had the opportunity to learn that one doesn’t necessarily need sight to make a good shot in archery, instead body awareness and muscle memory are extremely important. 

Mimi Fishman Foundation Funds Louisiana Dog Rescue

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Stray Rescue saves 50+ dogs from certain death in Louisiana
50 dogs & 2 confirmed pregnant 
Friday was a day for the books. Randy & the rescue team came around the corner driving an RV with two vans following. Loaded inside were 50 dogs that would have been euthanized if not for them. Due to massive flooding and tornadoes, so many animals were displaced, abandoned, or worse. St. Landry's Parish called for help and we answered! 47 of the 50 dogs already went to foster homes.


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